Hero SVG

Products & Services

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Personal Assistant

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Research Tools

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Financial Education

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Value Investors Club

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Think Tank

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Personal Assistant

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Research Tools

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Financial Education

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Value Investors Club

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Think Tank

What our customers are saying

Principles & Purpose


We build tools to teach the next generation of investors how to secure their financial future. Our philosophy revolves around taking a rational and well tempered approach to investing. We want you, our students to learn how to behave like business owners.

First Principles Analysis

To reason from first principles is to ask a series of questions. You can start by asking, 'how does this business make money' ? This will lead you to another series of questions to be answered. AIR helps you keep track of the questions you have asked and answered. This way you can fully analyze a company without wasting any time.

Community Growth

'The purpose of our community features are to learn together and create a professional environment for our investors to work in. We truly want you to achieve financial success. So join our community so we can all learn from each other.'

- Jaden Baker | CEO & Founder -

AI Assistant

Jarvis is meant to help you navigate the world of investing by acting as a voice of reason and truth. Jarvis can be accessed from anywhere in the platform and can answer any question you might have.

Stop Waiting, Start Growing!

American Investment Research